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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: The Conversion


Description: LOG LINE: A suicidal man bets 3 religious ministers that he can destroy their faith in 1 hour. The bet is on. THE STORY: A door to a squalid apartment opens and three religious ministers are ushered in for a prearranged meeting with DOLAN, a suicidal man, who wants to discuss the issue of faith. DANIEL NELLIS, bound by his dogma, is the leader of the ministers. With him are two students: JONAH POPP, young, all-American, cheerful, optimistic; and RUTH WESTIN, dreamy, restrained. At gunpoint, DOLAN takes the ministers hostage and proceeds to tell them in exactly 1 hour, he will destroy their faith-- their faith in God, their faith in humanity, and their faith in themselves. In the tradition of “Long Days Journey Into Night” and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf”, THE CONVERSION explores the shattering road of self-discovery that lies ahead for three unsuspecting religious zealots.


Genre: Dark Comedy
Pages: 41
Total Cast Members: 4
Men: 3
Women: 1
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Views: 1708

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