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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: House of Pardon


Description: Edmond runs House of Pardon for former inmates by relying on prayer, compassion and poverty. Jerry arrives, determined to repay a million dollars he stole from Edmond’s grandfather. First Edmond refuses it as a temptation, but then agrees to spend $25,000 as a test. His naïve decisions waste thousands of dollars. Edmond’s sister Pam is an equal beneficiary, but he won’t tell her about the money because she’s a compulsive gambler. Pam guesses what’s happening and she explodes, but Edmond says he’s following God's plan for the money. Pam phones Jerry and gives him hell. After Edmond’s protest at a federal prison goes wrong, he’s facing several years in jail. The house will shut down unless he accepts the rest of the money, but Jerry committed suicide after Pam’s tirade on the phone. The money is forever beyond reach. Will brother and sister pardon each other?


Genre: Drama
Pages: 118
Total Cast Members: 6
Men: 4
Women: 2
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Views: 1703

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