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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: Meditation on a Theme


Description: A full-length play without traditional scene breaks. Taking place in one character’s mind, the action flows seamlessly among remembered and imagined settings. It requires a minimal set, a couple of unusual props and creative lighting. Katherine can't meditate because noisy parts of her psyche keep intruding. These appear as a pesky four-year-old, an angry teenager, and her critical mother. Even worse, a bevy of spiritual figures, including Jesus, feel free to tromp through her mental space offering cryptic advice. Prodded by this unwelcome activity, Katherine is forced to face childhood experiences she'd rather forget. In the process, she stumbles into a confusing paradox. Although she was inexcusably hurt, those who hurt her were acting out of their own buried pain. But if she isn't just the innocent victim and they are not simply the evil abusers, how can she ever heal or forgive?


Genre: Drama
Pages: 61
Total Cast Members: 9
Men: 4
Women: 5
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 8.00 Votes: 3 Views: 1703

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