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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.




Description: From the inside looking out, the world of the Middle Class family looks perfect. Except….it’s all a lie. And in this family only Helen has the courage to stand up to racism, injustice, bigotry and personal servitude. Well…not exactly. Helen thinks Peter is Archie. Edith, who’s really Helen, thinks Andrea is Gloria. Andrea thinks Ali is Ali, who thinks she’s Andrea and not Gloria who thought Ali, not Ollie was a Muslim but as things turn out, he’s a Southern Baptist. Edith, who’s really Helen, thinks her son is Michael but we think he’s James. Peter, thinks Dr. Whaque is a quack but Edith thinks Whaque is Serling and thinks Ollie is George though George is Ali. And well… get the point. If not, I guess you’ll have to be there.


Genre: Comedy/Drama
Pages: 78
Total Cast Members: 6
Men: 4
Women: 2
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 Views: 1699

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