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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: Ferry High Jinks


Description: Sabotage and mayhem and lots of silliness. Ferry High Jinks is a Runyonesque romp that takes place aboard a ferry crossing the New York City harbor at midnight. Set in the early 1940's, it is an homage to those old movie archetypes who had to slug their way through reform school. Aboard this ferry we have a guy named Goiter, a dame you don't want to mess with, a guy who looks like Bela Lugosi, and someone by the name of Andrew St.Claire who is vying for a slice of redemption pie.


Genre: Comedy
Pages: 18
Total Cast Members: 4
Men: 3
Women: 1
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 8.92 Votes: 12 Views: 1699

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