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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: None Upon Earth (a play about Frederick the Great)


Description: A psychological battle between an abusive father and a sensitive son. King Frederick William’s maniacal behavior and constant illnesses have plunged Prussia into turmoil. The succession is in doubt, spies are everywhere. The king physically and verbally abuses crown prince Frederick (later Frederick the Great). The comfort-loving son would rather play cards and write concertos than command the army, so he resists his father, with his mother’s encouragement and support. After his 18th birthday the abuse intensifies, so Frederick attempts to flee the country with his best friend, Lieutenant Hans Katte. The king arrests them both for desertion. He orders Hans beheaded and forces Frederick to watch the execution, then brutalizes his son for causing his best friend’s death. Frederick suffers a mental collapse and eventually submits to his father—or does he? Is he simply acting the part, strategically biding his time until he ascends the throne himself?


Genre: Drama
Pages: 130
Total Cast Members: 14
Men: 11
Women: 3
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Views: 1700

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