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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: Tremont


Description: Taking place in a Polish Neighborhood in Cleveland in 1954 and 1961. the entire play takes place in The Silver Bush, a neighborhood tavern with a small but loyal clientele. Middle-aged Eva is waiting tables and living above the bar, having fled to its safety when her home was broken into. Zoltan, the owner has fallen in love with her. An elderly couple, the Popovich’s, are regular customers, although Marijka is trying to get her husband, Roman, to move to the suburbs. Mentally challenged “Tree” has just lost his job and thinks he can start a new career as a gambler betting on the Cleveland Indians. Eva’s brother, Andre (the Polish Milton Berle) has reappeared after a long absence and is demanding his share of his parent’s savings. The characters, like the city and its neighborhoods, are in the midst of change. The world in which immigrants could get good jobs, buy homes, cars, and raise their families in comfortably isolated ethnic neighborhoods is falling apart. Some flee to the suburbs while others fight a rear guard action trying to hold onto the old ways. It’s an American story seldom told and it is filled with humor and love and truth


Genre: Comedy/Drama
Pages: 134
Total Cast Members: 6
Men: 4
Women: 2
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 8.00 Votes: 2 Views: 1701

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