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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: The American Bar


Description: A Midwestern bar. As Murph opens up the bar for the day, she lectures her brother-in-law Pete on how to raise his children. Pete just wants to unwind from his harried life, and maybe give his bad back a rest. But then a soldier stops in for a few drinks and some friendly conversation. But things are not as they seem, however. Jokes misfire and tensions quickly mount between the two men, while Murph does her best to keep the situation from erupting into violence. In Theatre Magazine has called The American Bar, “A cautionary tale of family ties that bind, a unique story filled with rage and revelation.”


Genre: Drama
Pages: 50
Total Cast Members: 3
Men: 2
Women: 1
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Views: 1702

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