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GT Writer Source: script publisher for the unpublished.


Title: Crueler Gifts


Description: On December 24th, 15 minutes before a suburban drug store closes, three strangers all hope to buy the same Christmas-themed music box, part of a meager table of much-handled items drastically reduced for quick sale. India, Evie, and Walter have family members in mind with very specific crises (and secrets), and believe the kitschy box playing a contemporary pop carol makes a thoughtful last-minute present. But who needs the slightly garish gift the most, and why? Awaiting the missing cashier, they dicker and negotiate until, in a last-ditch emotional power play, only one of them can take home the holiday keepsake. A dark comedy about ever-elusive seasonal comfort and joy.


Genre: Holiday
Pages: 10
Total Cast Members: 3
Men: 1
Women: 2
Boys: 0
Girls: 0


Average Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Views: 1702

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